This page is dedicated to all God's creatures who share our lives, whether it is man's best friend , a cute little ball of fur or something more exotic . The song you hear is called "Little Darlin Pal of Mine" which I think is true of all our pets.

This is Susie, proud owner of Gerald & Greta. She is an Australian Shepherd. Notice how she is sitting there scanning the neighborhood, always on the alert to protect us from any and all dangers.

Here you see Butch, Dan's owner. Butch is a 4 year old male chihuahua. Butch looks pretty excited because he knows that his picture will be seen all over the world and he may become more famous than the Taco Bell chihuahua. Good luck Butch!

This cute little thing is Lily, owner of Bill and Gayle. Lily is kind of awestruck because she has just beeen told she is going on a 5000 mile trip. She's thinking to herself, "You mean I'm going to have to spend days and days in this car with these two? I wonder of they're going to let me drive any?"

Here's Bandit, owner of Ann & Ed. Bandit lives in a trailer and travels a lot. Right now he's not too sure where he is. Maybe Florida, New york, or some other place in the USA or Canada. But Bandit enjoys it and wouldn't have it any other way.

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